KMX Developments in partnership with GRAUEL Consultants and City Project is comprised of a highly-qualified teams of professionals that handle all aspects of real estate development, investment and management, including but not limited to: acquisition, entitlement, project/construction management, asset management, property management, accounting and underwriting.
Our talented professionals deliver the opportunity to measure progress, prioritize resources and feel that sense of accomplishment when the hard work manifests itself into tangible progress. Technology visionaries are solving real estate industry problems at a rate like never before. Our forward-thinking nature allows us to stay one step ahead in an increasingly competitive and evolving landscape.
Teamwork means effective communication, helping each other to realize our full potential and embracing a collaborative mindset. Our in-house team provides all required financial controls and reporting services. Every day, we bring our best efforts to bear to differentiate our service and hold ourselves accountable for the health of our client relationships.